Foxy and Jacques, our cats, were adopted from PAWS Chicago about four years ago. Our goal has been to establish the optimum litter box routine since then.
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We've tried a variety of stinky litters and squandered money on "innovative" boxes that leaked. We accepted the fact that owning cats meant litter pellets all over the place, foul odors, and continual scooping until we met the Litter-Robot 3 Connect!
- Artistic: 17/20
- Cat Approval: 18/20
- Efficacy: 20/20
- Ease of Use: 20/20
- Value: 18/20
- TOTAL: 93/100
What's a Litter-Robot 3 Connect?
The Litter-Robot 3 Connect is a WiFi-connected automatic self-cleaning litter box. When the waste compartment needs to be emptied, it sends an alert. It minimizes the amount of litter produced. It doesn't have a horrible odor. It is, without a doubt, the greatest innovation of all time! Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but it has significantly improved my relationship with my house and kitties. It also has the appearance of a spaceship.
I was hesitant at first because I'm not a huge fan of technology and didn't think either cat would be interested in utilizing this device. Jacques despises noises, and Foxy is a picky eater. As a result, I had low expectations about introducing kids to a climbing robot.
Consider it as a PA for your cats
I quickly overcome my technological stumbling block. The Litter-Robot was easy to set up, connect to WiFi, and start tracking stats thanks to the instruction manual. The app has quickly become my favorite one because it not only notifies me when it's time to empty the box but also allows me to operate the device remotely. For example, around Christmas, we were out of town for a few days and forgot to turn it off before leaving. From a distance of 400 miles, I was able to access the app and turn it off.
I can see how often my cats have used the Litter-Robot and make adjustments in the app, such as powering on and off the night light (yes, there is a blue night light, so your cats don't trip over themselves if they need to go at 3 a.m.). Plus, rather than stressing and feeling bad about forgetting to sweep litter for three days, I can now check the app to see if the drawer is full to the brim or not. Furthermore, because the Litter-Robot sensor commences the cleaning cycle after each usage, there is always a clean spot for the cats to utilize. You can even change how long it takes for your cat to leave the box and for the cycle to begin!
Even if I don't check the app, I'll get a notification when it's time to clean the drawer. To be honest, the term "empty out" doesn't really apply. I simply pick up the clump-filled liner bag and trash it. There's no scooping and no clumsy waste transfer into a half-open garbage bag. After that, I replace the old liner with a new one (trash bags also work), reassemble the drawer, and wait for the next notification.
Sorry, did I forget to explain that you can use IFTTT technology to connect your Litter-Robot to other smart home devices?
For example, once the Litter-Robot cycle is over, you can set up an iRobot vacuum to begin cleaning up any loose litter. Even yet, there won't be nearly as much rubbish to clear up. This is opulent!
Even the original Litter-Robot model, which lacks WiFi access, appears to be worthwhile. It's the same as the Connect model, only you'll have to keep an eye on the button panel for reminders when it's time to empty the drawer.
My cats literally use it – and I love how the smell fades away
What's the best part? It's being used by my kitties! When you set it up, sit with them and watch a cycle or two in operation, according to the manual, so they know it's safe. Yes, Jacques bolted for safety. Foxy was afraid, to be sure. After a few days, they were both interested enough to give it a try, and they now use it on a regular basis. Jacques, in fact, sits and watches the Litter-Robot work with wide eyes.
Downsizing from three open litter boxes to one enclosed litter box caused me some concern. (Having one extra litter box than cats is often suggested.) My cats had never before used an enclosed box. The Litter-Robot, on the other hand, is built with an upward-facing entrance and a big chamber that provides enough space for cats, especially larger cats. One device, according to the Litter-Robot website, can also accommodate up to four cats.
The Litter-Robot has significantly reduced the amount of litter we use and the intensity of the odor where our cats defecate. Instead of clumps waiting to be scooped in an open litter box, they're now hidden in a carbon-filtered, fully enclosed drawer, preventing anything from wafting our way. One thing to keep in mind: the Litter-Robot requires clumping litter. You're out of luck if you use—or your cats prefer—non-clumping litter.
Price and size? Not so perfect, but do check it
The Litter-only Robot's drawbacks are its size and cost. It takes up a lot of room. Our apartment has a separate sunroom that we've designated as the Cat Zone, so our Litter-Robot fits perfectly. It might not suit well in a smaller place. It also comes at a high price for a device built specifically to deal with feline waste. However, you'll save money on litter and time scooping. It's also clear that the designers spent a lot of time and effort developing a device that works for both cats and humans. So, from now on, I'll do whatever it takes to find a place for the Litter-Robot in any and all of my homes. And if this one ceases to respond, I'll definitely buy another.